Summer Promotion- all you ever wanted

Greetings Greater Good Granola friends-
    Summer approaches and it is time to get your granola gifts and personal supply to last you through a small hiatus of the GGG kitchen. (We will shut down July 10-Aug 20).
    We are offering the same promotion as we did over the holidays, buy 12 pounds get 2 free!*   These 1 pound pouches make perfect end of the school year gifts, host gifts, and self-gifts to have throughout the summer, when camping or hiking, etc!  Even if you don't want 12 pounds, let us know the amount you need and we'll make it happen. This is our final push for City Fruit and we'd like to scratch them the biggest check we possibly can!  
 Finally, we were written up in Family Works Annual Report (see page 6) and we are honored.
Yours in Greater Goodness,