End of the year GGG Investor Report

GGG Supporters-

The first year for Greater Good Granola is coming to a close. 

Thanks to all of you, these first few months have been really terrific. The porch program has a regular following with over 15 monthly subscribers, people from across the country have been ordering over and over and holiday orders were insane. 

Because of your orders and your commitment to buying granola that does good, FamilyWorks received a generous donation of $1500 today! 

Now that the costs of the majority of my initial investments (logo design, website, cottage permits, equipment, a small start-up investment by me and Clay) are covered and my monthly costs (ingredients, electricity, packaging) are more predictable, GGG should be able to donate even more money this next quarter.

I have heard from several of you about organizations you'd like to see the next round of donations head towards and I'm taking your suggestions to heart. I plan to contact a few organizations to learn more and land on a decision late next week. 

Thank you for helping me make this dream a reality.  We all know that altruism is ultimately somewhat selfish because when we do something good, we get the feel-good too. Thanks for all of the good you've given me and to the community.

Looking forward to 2015!



p.s. T-shirts have arrived. There are only 75 for the taking!  ($18 each, stay tuned for more info!) Hint: they are pretty darn cute!