Back to the mainland
My last deliveries of granola as I left Vashon Island.
For those of you who follow my Facebook/Instagram posts - you likely saw a lot of snapshots of our time in Vashon this summer. Vashon is a treasure for me for so many reasons. I love the scenery- rolling hills, water and beaches all around and insane views of Mt. Rainier and the Olympic mountains. I love the food that the island farmers grow with such care- the cucumbers and strawberries from Sun Island farm, the tomatoes and yellow beans from Pacific Crest Farm and the lovely meats raised by the couple at Midlife Crisis Farms. The farm stands where you can buy these products really make the whole farm to table experience sing. All around the island you can find signs pointing off the road to wooden stands and small farm shacks with fresh produce and a trust system- you leave money in a lock box for the produce you take.
And I love the small island feel, the people you can connect with over coffee on the porch of the Roastery, in line at the Thriftway or while dancing the tango at a concert at Ober park. Vashon is a simpler life, a way to slow us down and a way to remind us about the importance of connection to each other and to the land around us.
On my last morning on the island I delivered three more bags of Greater Good Granola to friends at the Vashon Island Farmers Market. I delivered a bag to David the bowl maker -he is nearly single-handedly preserving the art of turning bowls and he has taught my kids the importance of patience, integrity and art and making beautiful things from nature. I handed a bag over (and got a bag of caramels in exchange) to Hedy the queen of King Caramels - she hand makes the most delicious caramels I’ve ever had and with her spunk is guiding me as I start this company. Lastly, I dropped a bag off for Caleb, the “unofficial” mayor of Vashon Island who runs the farmers market and is helping me have a presence there next year. I will miss Vashon and our friends there. I will miss the quiet and the space. I am returning to Seattle energized and ready to get this company off the ground and I will hold onto what I am reminded of every summer- the importance of connection and community.
It is my hope that Greater Good Granola embodies community and connection- a way for people to come and gather on my porch, to contribute to their community and to enjoy the delicious granola I make.
(Live in Seattle and wanna be a part of the inaugural Greater Good Granola porch subscription starting in September? email me: